The Best Wordle Worksheet & Word List for OT

wordle word list

Want to know the best Wordle worksheet and word list you need to try in your upcoming Occupational Therapy (OT) session?

This is the tested and approved Wordle worksheet with 256 five-letter words you need to know about.

wordle worksheet

Playing Wordle is super fun, and if you’re anything like me, you are doing all the session planning you can to ensure you are prepared for your next OT group.

As an Occupational Therapist myself, I am giving you the best Wordle worksheet and word list that my co-workers and I swear by.

You will learn all about the best Wordle word list, how to play Wordle, the best Wordle worksheet, and more.

After learning about using Wordle as an intervention, you will be extra-prepared when implementing it in your next solo or group session.

This is the best Wordle worksheet and word list that every OT needs to know about.

Wordle printable

Enjoy endless wordplay with this FREE Wordle worksheet printable by simply signing up for my newsletter.

Perfect for puzzle lovers, this template lets you create, play, and solve custom word challenges.

This feature-packed printable includes grids for guesses, spaces for clues, and a keyboard visual to reference.

Wordle is an excellent game for parties, classrooms, group therapy sessions, or solo brain-teasing fun.

How Do You Play Wordle?

Wordle is a fun problem-solving puzzle with six attempts to guess the five-letter word.

Wordle is difficult to understand initially, but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy and addictive.

To solve the puzzle, you should get all the letters green as quickly as possible. If you can get it by the 3rd attempt, you are deemed “Elite status.”

If you choose to play on the New York Times official app, the actual colors in Wordle are green, yellow, and grey.

Speaking from experience, it helps to use different colors that are easier to see and common in Expo markers if you want to use a whiteboard and/or regular markers if you want to write on paper.

Usually, the patients at behavioral health hospitals have restrictions for safety purposes, and one of them is writing utensils.

Here is an example of a color-coded key to reference each letter’s meaning.

For the first guess, I give them problem-solving strategies and different word ideas like SALET (common letters are a lot of words) or AUDIO (lots of vowels) or encourage them to look around the room for ideas.

There is also a keyboard at the bottom of the Wordle worksheet page. You can cross out the letters not in the word using the color-coding system above to provide a visual reference.

Playing Wordle as a warm-up to introduce the lesson topic is fun, and there are so many brain benefits and skill-building opportunities, including:

  • Active listening
  • Collaborating
  • Logic
  • Negotiating
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-advocacy
  • Social skills
  • Teamwork
  • Turn-taking, and more!

This comprehensive Wordle Word List gives you 256 five-letter words to use or a baseline idea so you can adapt accordingly.

The categories of this Wordle Word List are divided up as follows:

  • Feelings and Emotions
  • Coping Skills
  • Rewards
  • Social
  • Teaching, and
  • Personal Hygiene

If you are using the Zones of Regulation curriculum, you will appreciate this wordle word list with a variety of different emotions to always keep group members guessing.

Happy Emotions

Happiness is a state of well-being encompassing a range of positive emotions, such as contentment and overjoyed.

  1. Alive
  2. Amuse
  3. Bless
  4. Bliss
  5. Charm
  6. Dandy
  7. Enjoy
  8. Faith
  9. Grace
  10. Grand
  11. Great
  12. Green
  13. Happy
  14. Jolly
  15. Lucky
  16. Merry
  17. Peace
  18. Pride
  19. Proud
  20. Swell
  21. Suave
  22. Super
  23. Truth


The definition of focus is a state of paying close attention to and putting a lot of effort, energy, and time into something you want to achieve.

  1. Alert
  2. Awake
  3. Aware
  4. Civil
  5. Drive
  6. Focus
  7. Gauge
  8. Ideal
  9. Legit
  10. Logic
  11. Order
  12. Pique
  13. Poise
  14. Ready
  15. Sharp
  16. Skill


Bravery is acknowledging that you are anxious and scared but diving head first to overcome your fear.

  1. Alarm
  2. Brave
  3. Excel
  4. Ethic
  5. Gutzy
  6. Moral
  7. Stoic
  8. Strong
  9. Valor


Love is acceptance, affection, closeness, and fondness for yourself or others.

Love is comprised of three pillars: Friendship, Intimacy, and Romance.

  1. Adore
  2. Amaze
  3. Amour
  4. Bloom
  5. Cared
  6. Close
  7. Liked
  8. Loved
  9. Loyal
  10. Trust
  11. Unity
  12. Valid
  13. Value

Lust (Proceed with Caution…)

Lust is one of the seven deadly sins and is an intense desire for someone romantically or something (like money or power).

  1. Claim
  2. Court
  3. Crave
  4. Crazy
  5. Crush
  6. Cupid
  7. Flame
  8. Fling
  9. Flirt
  10. Horny
  11. Saucy
  12. Spark
  13. Spicy
  14. Swoon
  15. Wooer
  16. Yearn

High Energy

High energy is a dynamic state of alertness characterized by animation, enthusiasm, liveliness, and vigor.

  1. Cheer
  2. Eager
  3. Elate
  4. Extra
  5. Fancy
  6. Funny
  7. Glitz
  8. Goofy
  9. Hyper
  10. Silly
  11. Spunk
  12. Wacky

Low Energy

Low energy is synonymous with moving slowly and lacking mental (lack of sleep) or physical (fatigue) energy and motivation.

  1. Aloof
  2. Avoid
  3. Bored
  4. Chill
  5. Comfy
  6. Sloth
  7. Tired
  8. Vague


Sickness is a temporary feeling of ailment accompanied by physical or mental symptoms.

  1. Cough
  2. Dizzy
  3. Faint
  4. Fever
  5. Funky
  6. Lousy
  7. Trash


Sadness is an emotion characterized by low mood, disappointment, or hopelessness typically triggered by an adverse event.

  1. Alone
  2. Awful
  3. Broke
  4. Cryin
  5. Empty
  6. Gloom
  7. Grief
  8. Heavy
  9. Human
  10. Moody
  11. Mourn
  12. Quiet
  13. Rocky
  14. Rough
  15. Sorry
  16. Upset
  17. Worry
  18. Wound


Anxiety is a feeling of dread, fear, tension, uncertainty, and uneasiness about real or perceived threats.

  1. Agony
  2. Angst
  3. Blush
  4. Dazed
  5. Doubt
  6. Dread
  7. Froze
  8. Jumpy
  9. Leery
  10. Panic
  11. Scare
  12. Scary
  13. Shock
  14. Spook
  15. Tense
  16. Trick
  17. Weary

Jealousy or Envy

Jealousy is a fearful attitude or insecurity related to a lack of resources or a desired possession.

  1. Chaos
  2. Covet
  3. Drama
  4. Greed
  5. Jaded
  6. Jelly
  7. Manic
  8. Messy
  9. Tempt
  10. Toxic


Guilt is a moral emotion that keeps us in check with our personal beliefs and standards of our character and behavior.

  1. Blame
  2. Guilt
  3. Plead
  4. Shame


Disgust is a strong emotional response to offensive sensory experiences (e.g., foul smells, tastes, sights) or unpleasant ideas, behaviors, or moral violations.

Disgust is a protective mechanism that helps individuals avoid potential dangers or contaminants.

  1. Abhor
  2. Annoy
  3. Decry
  4. Dirty
  5. Gross
  6. Loath
  7. Nasty


Anger is a strong emotion characterized by annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

  1. Anger
  2. Angry
  3. Cross
  4. Cruel
  5. Gripe
  6. Grump
  7. Harsh
  8. Hater
  9. Livid
  10. Qualm
  11. Raged
  12. React
  13. Revel
  14. Scorn
  15. Spite
  16. Wrath

Coping skills are activities or strategies we use to regulate our nervous system in the “Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn” mode.

Coping skills help us self-soothe and face inevitable life challenges.

Examples of coping strategies include art, exercise, hobbies, music, socializing, etc.

  1. Break
  2. Color
  3. Craft
  4. Dance
  5. Dream
  6. Drink
  7. Float
  8. Humor
  9. Laugh
  10. Movie
  11. Music
  12. Ocean
  13. Paint
  14. Photo
  15. Relax
  16. Sauna
  17. Sleep
  18. Slime
  19. Smile
  20. Sooth
  21. Swing
  22. Thank
  23. Watch
  24. Water
  25. Write
  26. Zumba


A reward is something tangible (money or gifts) or intangible (praise) given to recognize effort and achievement.

Rewards are powerful tools to persuade persistence in overcoming obstacles. They are highly motivating and reinforce desired behaviors.

  1. Award
  2. Bonus
  3. Candy
  4. Glory
  5. Honor
  6. Merit
  7. Money
  8. Power
  9. Prize
  10. Title
  11. Token


Social refers to interactions, relationships, and activities that involve engaging others.

Being social creates a sense of belonging by connecting through conversation, appropriate behaviors, shared communication, collaboration, and teamwork.

  1. Admit
  2. Argue
  3. Blurt
  4. Heard
  5. Hello
  6. Group
  7. Judge
  8. Party
  9. Press
  10. Reply
  11. Roast
  12. Share
  13. Speak
  14. Stall
  15. Trade
  16. Vocal
  17. Voice


Teaching allows learners to acquire new knowledge, skills, or abilities.

It typically occurs through instruction, explanation, demonstration, or guidance in formal (classrooms) or informal (everyday experiences) settings.

  1. Class
  2. Coach
  3. Count
  4. Grade
  5. Learn
  6. Logic
  7. Proof
  8. Prove
  9. Skill
  10. Solve
  11. Story
  12. Study
  13. Teach
  14. Think
  15. Tutor

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to individuals’ practices and habits to maintain cleanliness.

It includes bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth, grooming, and wearing clean clothes.

Good personal hygiene prevents illness, supports social interactions, and boosts self-confidence.

  1. Bathe
  2. Brush
  3. Clean
  4. Dress
  5. Floss
  6. Groom
  7. Rinse
  8. Scrub
  9. Shave
  10. Style

This is the best Wordle worksheet and word list that every OT needs to know about.


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